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Please reach out to request any new model deployments.

antibody generator embeddings predict

AbLang empowers researchers with capabilities like embeddings, sequence restoration, and likelihood computation, directly catering to the unique structural and functional attributes of heavy/light-chain antibodies. AbLang's deep learning framework, trained on an extensive collection of heavy-chain antibody sequences, offers unparalleled insights into their design and optimization for therapeutic applications.

antibody generator embeddings predict generate

AbLang is an advanced AI language model tailored for antibody design, enabling embeddings, sequence restoration, and computing likelihoods for heavy/light-chain antibodies. Trained on a comprehensive database of human antibody sequences, AbLang can provide insights into antibody sequence functionality, and aid in the development of therapeutic antibodies.


protein similarity toxin tokenize

We trained a NLP toxin detector to 98%+ recall, precision, and accuracy, creating a model that can recognize novel pathogenic sequences with as little as 60% identity to known toxins. Use this endpoint to screen pathogenic bacteria, potential neurotoxins and ion-channels, and other proteins. Obtain meaningful tokens related to pathogenicity. Perform semantic similarity searches.

dna BERT

Analyze DNA sequences with precision using, leveraging a pretrained BERT model for accurate genomic feature prediction and interpretation directly from raw DNA strings.

dna BERT

This pre-trained language model surpasses conventional methods, providing superior accuracy and insights for DNA sequence classification, variant calling, and more. Ideal for researchers aiming to unlock genomic complexities efficiently.

enzyme protein maturation esm

First of five models in the ESM-1v series, each trained with a different seed. Predict favorable or unfavorable point-variants. NLP model trained on UniRef90. Zero-shot (unsupervised) predictor of functional effects. Ensemble with the remaining four models for best results. doi

enzyme protein maturation esm

Conveniently retrieve predictions from all five ESM-1v models for a given position, allowing for rapid variant ranking and deep mutational scans.



enzyme protein maturation esm

The 1st of the ESM-1v models, for unmasking AA positional likelihoods.

ESM1v N1 API/v3


enzyme protein maturation esm

2nd of the ESM-1v models.

ESM1v N2 API/v3


enzyme protein maturation esm

3rd ESM-1v model.

ESM1v N3 API/v3


enzyme protein maturation esm

4th ESM-1v model.

ESM1v N4 API/v3


enzyme protein maturation esm

The 5th of the ESM-1v models, for unmasking AA positional likelihoods.

ESM1v N5 API/v3


ESM2 150M API/v3


ESM2 35M API/v3


enzyme protein embeddings esm logits

Use this 2nd-largest ESM-2 model for highly informative embeddings, contact maps, and more.

ESM2 650M API/v3


ESM2 8M API/v3


ESMFold API/v3


protein structure prediction esm

For multi-chain proteins like antibodies, predict the folded structure in seconds with v2 of ESMFold. Similar results, speed, and accuracy to single-chain folding endpoint, but now available for more complex sequences. PDBs via REST in less than a minute, using one of the largest protein LMs to date. doi

protein generator esm

ESM-IF1 Inverse Folding enables the generation of novel protein sequences tailored to fold into a specified 3D structure, as denoted by a PDB string.

protein generator gpt

BFD-90 pretrained model from the suite of ProGen2 generative models. Tune outputs with your choice of pretrained model, temperature, length, and more.

protein generator gpt

ProGen2 Large contains 2.7B parameters and is the second-largest model in the suite of generative models. Tune outputs with your choice of pretrained model, temperature, length, and more.

protein generator gp2

For faster protein generation, use this 764M parameter model from the ProGen2 suite of generative models. Tune outputs with your choice of pretrained model, temperature, length, and more.

antibody generator gpt

ProGen2 OAS was trained on the Observed Antibody Space, making it more suitable to some generative-antibody applications. Tune outputs with your choice of pretrained model, temperature, length, and more.

ProstT5 AA2Fold API

folding proteins

ProstT5 Fold2AA API

folding proteins

enzyme protein prediction EC

ProteInfer EC Prediction API leverages AI to accurately predict enzyme commission (EC) numbers from protein sequences, enhancing enzymatic research and biotechnological applications.

protein GO predictor function

Harness the power of deep learning to predict Gene Ontology (GO) terms for proteins directly from sequence data. ProteInfer leverages a comprehensive dataset and advanced models to provide accurate functional annotations, offering insights into biological processes, cellular components, and molecular functions.

UniRef50 Embedding Similars API

Accelerate your protein sequence searches with our blazing-fast Nearest Neighbors Search API. By leveraging protein language models to generate vector embeddings for over 65 million UniRef50 sequences, our service enables lightning-fast similarity searches that are 1,200 times faster than traditional Levenshtein-based methods like BLAST.


enzymes generation